Learning spire - Scala is Slow, cfor helps

Another cool feature offered by Spire is the cfor macro. cfor is basically just a C-style for loop:

cfor(0)(i => i < maxSize, i => i + 1)( i => {
  result = result + i*i

The purpose of cfor is not to do anything you can't do with ordinary Scala iterator primitives. The sole …

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Learning Spire - Vector Spaces!

I've been working through some of Spire, which is a math library for Scala. I originally discovered Spire when I was looking for a VectorSpace typeclass for Scala, so it's probably worthwhile to discuss that here. We all learned abot vector spaces in Linear Algebra, and probably thought they were …

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Learning Spire - Boolean Algebras are pretty cool

For a long time I've been a fan of the Scalaz library for Scala. Scalaz puts a Haskell into your Scala so you can Haskell while you Scala. More precisely, it provides a lot of useful features for expressing pure computations such as Applicative functors, Monads, Monoids, NonEmptyLists and the …

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Don't use Actors for concurrency

Don't use actors for concurrency. Instead, use actors for state and use futures for concurrency.

A common practice I've seen in scala code is to use actors for concurrency. This is encouraged by Akka and a lot of writing about Scala, the documentation of which is highly actor-centric. I assert …

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